Suspicious Profile Settings in RDNG (RM)
Elenilson Chiarapa
Accepted answer
As well as setting up the profile and switching on tracking, you also need to select the suspicion profile you want to view from within the project.
While looking at the artifacts view in the project, open the project menu (small icon with 3 horizontal bars in the top right) and choose 'Manage Suspicion' and select the profile you want to use for tracking.
Then you can view suspicion by inserting the suspicion column or any of the other suspicion viewing options.
The other 2 things to be aware of is that
1. indexing the links takes some time after you enable tracking. There is a progress window you can check.
2. You also must not have configuration management enabled for the project as suspicious links is replaced by a different feature in that case
Also The suspicion tracker takes 60 seconds to update so you need to wait a minute to see the results.
Also are you looking at the correct end of the link?
Suspicion only appears on the other end of the link from the artifact that was changed.
If there a link A---->B then when B changes suspicion appears on A and vice versa.
One other answer