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How can I unlock thousands of files in RTC? Is there a command line for unlocking all files/folders in a stream?

Abe Roba (1012332) | asked Dec 14 '15, 2:01 p.m.
For some odd reason, all the files in one of the components are locked.  We have thousands of artifacts in this component and it is not feasible to unlock through the Eclipse client 1000 at a time.  Is there an easier way or a command line to do this?

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185201) | answered Dec 14 '15, 3:15 p.m.
RTC comes with the scm command which is documented in the Knowledge Center.   This will not be easy to get from locked to unlocked as one must query [ scm list ] for the component or stream The unset lock is the scm sub-command that would ultimately unlock the file(s).

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