JTS V4.0.7 LDAP to Jazz group Mapping
I'm trying to update the JTS Server Admin - LDAP to JAzz groupo Mapping to automatically pull in a new LDAP group:
We currently have JazzUsers=JazzUsers
and I'm trying to update this to : JazzUsers=JazzUsers;New Group (to add in the "New Group")
The name of the LDAP group has a space in it? will this work?.
I've tested this in a Dev environment and can't get it working.
Thanks for your help
Matt Muller
One answer
Also, you should know that this setting affects the user synchronization only. If you want to add the new group for "authentication", it should be done within the application server (WAS or Tomcat).
Hi Donald,
We have added the group Authentication in WAS:
Still not working but then I noticed the Base Group DN was different so I changed this and then imported users. That all worked.. Great!
However I now have the JazzUser roles in one Base Group DN and my new Group in a separate Base Group DN? do I have any way to map both in the JAZZ Server Admin...
I don't think you can. This is one of the caveats of using multiple LDAP servers, mentioned in this article.
There is also a discussion over a similar configuration ongoing.