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How should one check for user authentication for Jazz Rational Applications?

Harinder Singh (1156) | asked Nov 13 '15, 6:19 a.m.
 How to check for user authentication for each of the following Rational applications using rest Api?

i tried using 
but it only works well for JTS, other applications throw HTTP 408 error for the same URL. But once user is logged in then this link works for all the applications.
Any quick support for this please ?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Nov 15 '15, 6:58 p.m.
You should use /<context_root>/authenticated/identity for this purpose. It is explained a bit in the below article.

If you're using 6.0 and enable JSA SSO (although it does not appear so given the URL that you use), it changes quite significantly and no documents detailing how to handle it have been released yet.

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