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LPA/RQM/Doors - extensions

VK L (8177157159) | asked Oct 15 '14, 8:45 a.m.
edited Oct 16 '14, 9:43 a.m.
 Hi All,
             Is it possible to extend the LPA (or) extend doors/RQM? I couldn't find the SDK for tools except RTC.
I am looking at customizing the LPA traceability links and other features.
Please advise.


One answer

permanent link
Dominic Tulley (38114) | answered Oct 17 '14, 5:01 a.m.
DOORS NG has a client extension API documented here:
It doesn't have much in the way of cross domain link capabilities but you should take a look and see if it can help you.

There's also the OSLC APIs that all the products have.  Depending on quite what you're trying to achieve maybe a small application built on top of those would be more suitable than an extension built into the products?

VK L commented Oct 17 '14, 5:08 a.m.

Thanks Dominic. I havent tried out OSLC APIs. Are you saying that it is achievable using  OSLC APIs of the CLM Products?
Could you please share some links for me to get started with OSLC API Customizations?


VK L commented Oct 17 '14, 5:11 a.m.

Thanks Dominic. I havent tried out OSLC APIs. Are you saying that it is achievable using  OSLC APIs of the CLM Products?
Could you please share some links for me to get started with OSLC API Customizations?


Dominic Tulley commented Oct 17 '14, 5:23 a.m.

I'm not sure that what you want to do is achievable because I don't know quite what you're trying to do.  If you want to be able to examine, create and delete links between data in the CLM Products then the OSLC APIs should permit this.

There are a few sources of information for OSLC.
The main workgroup site is here:

Some of the specifications have moved to OASIS but there are links from the work group site.

In addition, there is an open source project (LYO) that provides some reference implementations/samples in Java that can help get you started.

You need to understand that with OSLC it's not really "customisation".  OSLC is a data API.  It allows you to read data from the CLM products (and other products that provide OSLC services), analyse that data and, if you want, update it in the product.

VK L commented Oct 20 '14, 11:08 p.m.

Thanks. I am creating a new link type between RTC and RRC.  If I create a RTC plugin to get the new link type, what would be the RRC package to refer to as endpoint (like for RQM) ?

I am not sure if RRC api has a feature to create new link types.

Dominic Tulley commented Oct 21 '14, 4:29 a.m.

The RM API does not have the capability to add new link types.  Also, our internal implementation is different to that in RTC so I don't believe there is any "package" you can refer to in RM to do this.

VK L commented Oct 23 '14, 5:48 a.m.

 Thanks Dominic. Actually, i am looking to just modify the name of existing CLM Link type in RRC (or) create new link type with same functionality as existing.For example,

instead of tracked by-> i want to use affected by [to link RRC Artifact to RTC Workitem].
Since we are not changing functions, can this be a straight-forward one as a project template customization? 

Dominic Tulley commented Oct 23 '14, 8:39 a.m.

unfortunately this is not possible.  The set of link types for linking from RRC to RTC is fixed (as I think you've discovered) and they cannot be renamed either.

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