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CSS applied on full application

Pankaj Sharma (401170) | asked Nov 04 '15, 11:20 a.m.

I am using web ui theming and I applied css on elements on my work items, but the problem is the same theme is applied across the server.

e.g. if I want to design a radio button on a particular form but its the same theme applied across.

If there would have been unique IDs for each control or a page name is for individual forms then my solution would have worked.

Is there any work around for this?

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Lam To (216) | answered Nov 04 '15, 1:50 p.m.
You might want to use a more restrictive CSS rule for your customization that apply only to the desired web UI area. In this wiki, it talks about this in greater length: Here's the excerpt from that wiki that talks specifically about this:

Tip: If you would like to alter the appearance of a certain UI element, use a tool like Firebug to inspect the DOM node and see what CSS rules are affecting its appearance. You can then create a theme that overrides those rules in order to alter the element's appearance.

Pankaj Sharma commented Nov 04 '15, 4:08 p.m.

Hello Lam,

The custom CSS also not sufficient, The css selector is a generic that we can apply and which does get applied onto other work items, if the same element exists on other workitem.

I don't see any specific CSS selector, as the ID name & Class Name is common across different work item.

Any suggestion

Lam To commented Nov 05 '15, 11:00 a.m.

The UI theming is really for customizing a class of UI for the site. I think what you want is to customize a specific work item artifact, e.g., work item 21. For that you might want to explore creating custom attribute/work item type and provide custom theme for those specific attribute/work item type. This way only the work item of that type will have the customized theme.

Hope this helped.

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