Check In Process enhancement
2 answers
there is one provided that adds comments to code or checks them.
you could find its source in the SDK with a little investigation.
9hint, configure it, then look at the process config XML to get its classname.
then look thru the sdk jar files to find that class, and then extract its source.
course, you will need to take the extensions project to learn how they work.
Hi Sam,
Also note that RTC doesn't store the 'file' it stores the 'changes', so, like Ralph mentions, adding another change would make it different.
Thank you Sam
But what about if the change or the macro for version is to updated before check in.
I made a simple script that could change a part of the file holding the version macro before the file is checked in. but i am wondering if that could be attach to the Desktop client itself so that it could be automated
A follow up action could do manipulations, but that would potentially cause a new change set and the change would be not in your local file so the workspace would be out of sync. I am not sure if this can be done.
Hi Ralph,
I saw your answer in my other question, but what if i could create a script that would automatically change a part of the file before check in?
could that script be attach to RTC Desktop Client so that every time I do check in that script would be executed.
Good luck with that, but then it needs to be hooked into the Eclipse extension points and not into the RTC Extension points.