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How to increase the execution frequency of "all data warehouse collection jobs"

Pravin Patil (104145134) | asked Nov 03 '15, 9:01 p.m.
The Dataware house job runs once in 24 hours. 
Is there a way to increase the frequency of its run to more then 5 times a day?

I referred to this link:, but I dont see the options mentioned here in RTC v5.0.2 any more.

Please let me know...

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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Nov 04 '15, 5:43 p.m.
Hi Pravin,

If you need the data collection jobs to run multiple times a day I strongly suggest you to disable the ETL jobs and move to the Data Collection Component. The DCC jobs are much more efficient and they can be scheduled to run multiple times during the same day.

Altough it is possible to configure the ETL jobs to run multiples times a day (by changing the Task Delay property value), this is not recommended as it may leads to performance degradation and other issues. Check the forum thread below for more details:

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