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History of Work item Categories

Accepted answer


Hi Miguel,
As per your suggestion, Do you think that Sunita is looking for History of a Attribute Type[Category] ?
If Yes, she is not trying to get History of Category type of an Attribute. She needs to find the History of Work Item Categories from the Project Area tab. [Open Projectarea -> Work Item Categories tab]. you could see list of Categories created by Admins.

Hi Sudar,

Miguel is correct ... this function is available (as his code illustrates), but is not currently available in the GUI.

Hi Miguel,
I have used your code snippet to get the History of changes done on the "Work Item Categories" tab in the Projectarea.
I use Java Client APIs here, Can you help me how to retrieve the previous states of the ICategory Object ? and how to define the ProjectArea specifically here ?

Hi Sudar.

Hi Miguel,
I was stuck with the logic how to get the list of changes applied to the specific Category. I just tried with the different flow. I got the result now :)
Thank you so much.

Hi Miguel and Geoffrey,

Hi Miguel and Geoffrey,