How to create RTC build engine with Jenkins using SSL

Connection test requested.
Connecting to:
Exception: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
Test connection FAILED!
Accepted answer


That fixed the problem. As soon as I disabled SSLv3 the whole thing worked. I can even check "Validate HostName"
Perhaps this should be filed as a bug against RTC? or is this just an issue with SSL in general?

Good to hear, and thanks for letting us know. The H/J integration in RTC currently uses Java's HttpURLConnection obtained via URL.openConnection(), with an "allow all" host name verifier set if "Validate Hostname" is unchecked. So I suspect it's an issue with Java itself. As per this post, you could try adding -Dhttps.protocols=SSLv3 to the startup options for the RTC server.
One other answer


If it works with Validate Hostname unchecked, but you want to run with it checked, then you may need to import the certificate. See first answer here.

Nick, Thanks for your quick response. To answer your questions:
- Yes, I can open a browser on the host running RTC and connect to
- I don't see anywhere that I need to add an additional port setting. I'm using the default https port 443
- has a certificate generated by my company using my company's RootCA certificate.
- Unchecking "Validate Hostname" has no effect on the error
Also, using the direct IP address of the host instead of the hostname has no effect on the error.