How can we restrict access to CLM/RQM to validated browsers?
Accepted answer
I'm not aware of any 'built it' way to accomplish (others my chime in); in theory , you could set up a filter based on the User-Agent string
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0This may be a helpful link
"By examining the user agent string, it's possible to filter out specific browsers and versions. IE strings are found here. The user agent string is sent from browsers as a HTTP request header with every HTTP request. It's also available via javascript for client side code.
On the server side, one way to filter is by writing a custom Valve which examines the user agent string. However, Valves are Tomcat specific, and are relatively rare in the field. So writing a valve may lead to code maintenance issues in future."