Importing a model project into Design Management seems to always exceed some kind of timeout

One answer

Which version of DM do you use? Rhaspody DM or RSA DM?
Which models are not being imported? Some specific kind?

Hello Andrey, thanks for the reply. It is RSA DM 5.0.2. The models that are not imported seem to be the ones that contain more diagrams.

Well, there is no timeout settings in DM. All timeouts that could affect the overall import process are rather system specific (VM or WAS settings, for example).
But in that case import would be interrupted.
What is about warning? Does importer report some dangling references, for example?
As an option I can suggest to add the following lines into <DM Install>/server/conf/dm/ and <DM Install>/server/conf/rsadm/
This will enable tracing in the importer and it will be possible to find if corresponding diagrams were been processed at all (in rsadm.log you will see entries like "processing <relative path to resource>).
Also, do you have 5.0.2 or 5.0.2.iFIxX? The latest iFix8 contains a set of fixes related to the import process.

Hello Andrey,
Do you know where can I find the latest iFix for release 5.0.2? We are still having some problems with the import process.
I don't know if you are a part of the Rational team, if so, I would really appreciate your email address or something like that so we can have a little conversation about the problems we are facing.

Hi Francisco,
According to the thread DM 5.0.2 iFix 11 fails to accomplish importation you seemed to have found the latest DM 5.0.2 ifix.
For the record, the latest DM 5.0.2 ifix is downloadable from : ... DM fixes are always posted on the main design management download page: