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clmhelp is not working

Kanagasabapathi R (17314) | asked Oct 07 '15, 11:34 p.m.

We have installed CLM 5.0.2 ifix006_ifeature in our environment , where the clmhelp is not available which opens a blank HTML page.

For example:https://XX-YY-ZZ:9443/clmhelp/topic/

There is a clmhelp.war deployed to WAS( which is up and running.

i have restarted clmhelp.war manytimes, but still its the same.


3 answers

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Shradha Srivastav (348413) | answered Oct 08 '15, 5:17 a.m.
Hi Saba,

CLMHelp needs to be configured manually after deploying the war file to WAS

You can refer the below link to configure help


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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 08 '15, 6:22 a.m.
The clmhelp.war acts just like a proxy, by default, and requires a internet connection to retrieve help contents from If your server is behind a firewall and cannot access the internet, follow Shardha's suggestion to deploy the content locally.

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Ted Mayer (47649) | answered Oct 08 '15, 8:52 a.m.

Hi Kanagasabapathi,

To add to the above information that was provided, are you in a distributed environment? Please note that there are some additional configuration steps that may need to be performed before you can access the help. Please see the below link for further information:

Best regards,


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