Error connecting LQE to a doors data source
Accepted answer
You should definitely set <f:property name="ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth" value="false "/> if DWA isn't running in secure mode, and make sure to restart DWA after saving that change. If you haven't already seen this video on IBM DeveloperWorks, it might be useful to step through it to see if it matches what you're doing.
One more thing to check is the Derby database port. Sometimes the default port number (1527) is grabbed by something else - so it might be worth stopping Derby, seeing the port is still in use with a 'netstat' and if it is, reset the Derby port to something free. You'd need to update that port in all these files:
and restart DWA. That's all I can think of - if that doesn't help then the Support guys should be able to figure it out.
Hi John
Your video is a great deal clearer than the two articles I refer to. Things like adding the DOORS user and making sure the password is the same as in the festival file are not mentioned explicitly in the article, probably because they are considered obvious. I think I had it right at one point, but it ended up as lqe_user, which is the internal lqe user in jazz rather than "LQE Functional User". That and the article telling me to put <f:property name="ForceHttpsForAuthenticationForOAuth" value="true"/> which is clearly wrong meant I stood no chance.
Logging on to DWA directly with LQE Functional User is also good advice, not sure but I may have got hung up behind the scenes on the update password on first logon dialog. Many thanks for your help
Hi John,
Don't suppose you can provide some example SPARQL to return in a query all the DOORS requirements collected from the DOORS classic data source, but none of the DNG or Design Manager ones. LQE tells me it has successfully collected all the DOORS database, but I'm not sure I believe it. I run the Requirement custom artefact element query and it picks up all other requirements, but no DOORS ones, well as far as I can see. As a SPARQL novice I think, but am not sure that the standard requirement query should collect all DOORS requirements. Can you enlighten me please
I'm not much of a SPARQL guru I'm afraid, but I posted something basic which should work in your question: