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custom tab contents now showing up in Web client

I have created a custom tab which is shared by several work item types. This tab contains 9 custom attributes.
In the RTC 2.0 eclipse client (plugged into my RSA), the tab shows up and all of the custom attributes can be filled in. Very nice, and pretty too.
However, in the RTC 2.0 Web client, the tab shows up, but only contains the heading bars for the two sections. The actual form fields don't show up for my attributes.
Is there some step I missed?
Alex Feinberg
I have created a custom tab which is shared by several work item types. This tab contains 9 custom attributes.
In the RTC 2.0 eclipse client (plugged into my RSA), the tab shows up and all of the custom attributes can be filled in. Very nice, and pretty too.
However, in the RTC 2.0 Web client, the tab shows up, but only contains the heading bars for the two sections. The actual form fields don't show up for my attributes.
Is there some step I missed?
Alex Feinberg
2 answers

Hi Alex,
I tried that with RQM 2 beta recently and we figured that the server needed
to be restarted for the customization to show up in the web client.
I don't believe this is the case with RTC2.0 but it would be worth a try.
When you say only the sections show up, do you meant while browsing existing
work items or when creating a work item?
If the customization is right the attributes should show up and be editable
if you create a new work item.
In case you just browsed: RTC does not automatically add custom attribute
values to Work Items that have been create prior to the customization.
In Queries this shows as null on no value in the columns.
From queries you can apply new attributes to these work items. Run a query
for the WI's to update. On the icon for the type right click and run "Synchronize
I tried that with RQM 2 beta recently and we figured that the server needed
to be restarted for the customization to show up in the web client.
I don't believe this is the case with RTC2.0 but it would be worth a try.
When you say only the sections show up, do you meant while browsing existing
work items or when creating a work item?
If the customization is right the attributes should show up and be editable
if you create a new work item.
In case you just browsed: RTC does not automatically add custom attribute
values to Work Items that have been create prior to the customization.
In Queries this shows as null on no value in the columns.
From queries you can apply new attributes to these work items. Run a query
for the WI's to update. On the icon for the type right click and run "Synchronize
I have created a custom tab which is shared by several work item
types. This tab contains 9 custom attributes.
In the RTC 2.0 eclipse client (plugged into my RSA), the tab shows up
and all of the custom attributes can be filled in. Very nice, and
pretty too.
However, in the RTC 2.0 Web client, the tab shows up, but only
contains the heading bars for the two sections. The actual form
fields don't show up for my attributes.
Is there some step I missed?
Alex Feinberg

Hi Ralph,
Vielen Dank fr Ihre Antwort!
I have no control over or even knowledge of when our RTC server gets restarted, so I don't know if that was the case, but this morning all of my custom attributes are showing up on my custom tab. Like magic! The layout on the Web client is never a pretty as the layout on the Eclipse client, but as long as they show up, I'm happy happy happy!
The problem was with both new and existing work items, so I suppose it was a synchronization issue between the customizations I made in the Eclipse client and what was showing up in the Web client.
Alex Feinberg
Vielen Dank fr Ihre Antwort!
I have no control over or even knowledge of when our RTC server gets restarted, so I don't know if that was the case, but this morning all of my custom attributes are showing up on my custom tab. Like magic! The layout on the Web client is never a pretty as the layout on the Eclipse client, but as long as they show up, I'm happy happy happy!
The problem was with both new and existing work items, so I suppose it was a synchronization issue between the customizations I made in the Eclipse client and what was showing up in the Web client.
Alex Feinberg