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Project vs Team Dashboards

Claudia Callegari (44449871) | asked Jul 23 '09, 11:35 a.m.
I need to clarify my mind regarding project and team dashboards...

For a project dashboard I expect it to show all the WIs for the project, regardless the team they have been assigned to.

For a team dashboard, I expecto it to show ONLY the WIs associated to the specific team area I have selected.

Is this correct? If so, it's not working on my side. What am I doing wrong? Where I should filter them?
Any suggestion of good reading?

Claudia Callegari

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jul 23 '09, 4:41 p.m.
I need to clarify my mind regarding project and team dashboards...

For a project dashboard I expect it to show all the WIs for the project, regardless the team they have been assigned to.

For a team dashboard, I expecto it to show ONLY the WIs associated to the specific team area I have selected.

Is this correct? If so, it's not working on my side. What am I doing wrong? Where I should filter them?
Any suggestion of good reading?

Claudia Callegari

Hi Claudia

Your dashboards will show whatever they are configured to show. I would agree with the general principle of showing a subset of the info on the team dashbaord vs the project dashboards.

Check the settings of the queries that display the work items - you should be able to change the settings via the settings menu entry (it will be on the arrowhead on the top-right of the viewlet)



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