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What are all the events that trigger an email in RTC and which setting in Mail Configuration turns them on or off?

Users are receiving email notification for Approvals that they are not listed as Approvers for. As near as we can tell this might be related to the fact they are also Owners and/or Subscribers. But alas, nowhere (yes, I did the customary searches on the documentation, jazz.net, etc.) in the 5.01 documentation can I find a specific reference to EXACTLY what notifications are turned on or off by the options in Mail Configuration, especially, what is meant by "Other state change," and "Other Work Item change not listed above." So we're not sure if this is a "hidden" feature or a bug.
A list of ALL the possible email triggering events (and which settings turn them on or off) would be very helpful to our diagnosis and our ability to let our users know which settings to use. Any ideas?
A list of ALL the possible email triggering events (and which settings turn them on or off) would be very helpful to our diagnosis and our ability to let our users know which settings to use. Any ideas?
One answer

The following help topics in the IBM Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management Knowledge Center explain how you can configure which types of email notifications you receive. In each RTC client, the Mail Configuration page of the User editor lists all the possible email trigger events.
* Configuring notifications in the web client
* Configuring notifications in the Eclipse client
* Configuring notifications in the web client
* Configuring notifications in the Eclipse client

Thanks for your help Lisa. That list is "almost" complete. The last one, "Other Work Item change not listed above," is one I'd like more detail on. What are the "other" changes that would trigger an email?
We're trying to determine if it is expected behavior for an owner or creator to receive the daily email reminders about a pending approval even if they are NOT listed as an approver. Knowing exactly what triggers emails would help us diagnose if this is expected behavior or a bug.