SSLContext error withy RQMUrlUtility

I am getting the below error while getting the test case execution records from RQM using url utility,
Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.
RQMUrlUtility: Connected to https://localhost:9443 using project "Demo"
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context SSL_TLS SSLContext not available
Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying SSLv3
RQMUrlUtility: Calling [ HTTP GET ] method to retrieve XML from a specified URL
RQMUrlUtility: Method failed: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Disconnecting from the IBM Rational Quality Manager server.
Can some one help me to figure out the root cause?
Accepted answer

Hi libin,
When was the last time it worked?
What has changed?
What version of RQM are you using?
Possible cause:
It looks like your version of Java has been updated and is preventing the connection due to the "Poodle" attack. See Or, you are using and old version of Java and a new version of RQM that is blocking SSLv3 connections and is enforcing TLS connections. Or, there is a proxy between you and the RQM server that is blocking SSLv3 connections and is enforcing TLS connections and version of Java does not support TLS connections.
Possible solutions:
Try upgrading to the latest version of Java.
When was the last time it worked?
What has changed?
What version of RQM are you using?
Possible cause:
It looks like your version of Java has been updated and is preventing the connection due to the "Poodle" attack. See Or, you are using and old version of Java and a new version of RQM that is blocking SSLv3 connections and is enforcing TLS connections. Or, there is a proxy between you and the RQM server that is blocking SSLv3 connections and is enforcing TLS connections and version of Java does not support TLS connections.
Possible solutions:
Try upgrading to the latest version of Java.