RQM and Java Native Client API support
For RTC we do use the Java Native Client API.
I found some pages from 2013 stating that the Java API is only available for RTC, but not for RQM (see discussion on https://jazz.net/library/article/1229).
Before deciding which kind of API we shall use for interacting with RQM (REST or OSLC), I wanted to ask if the statement from 2013 is still valid or if (hopefully) Java API for RQM is available now or is going to be available in the near future...?
Thanks in advance!
2 answers
RQM is partially based on the Jazz Foundation, so a small part of the RTC Java API should work with RQM.
But RQM does not officially support any Plain Java Cient Libraries or SDK any other Java API. There are some reporting APIS that RQM supports. The OSLC API should be supported. I don't think there are supported or published APIs for all the areas of interest. I think your best option are REST/OSLC APIs nevertheless.
You should take a look into the RQM REST API, https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi, which is beside the OSLC REST API the most mature one.