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Jorge Zingg (213) | asked Jun 28 '18, 7:02 a.m.

I can upload TER's to RQM via REST API, when I have already a TCER existing in RQm and can reference the TER XML file to it. But I cannot create new TCER's via the API, it allways tells me "bad request".

I know there cannot be two TCER for the same TC and same test plan, but even for a TC without existing TCERs I get the same behavior. I'm using RQM V 6.0.5.

Is there a guideline on what properties are mandatory for a executionworkitem, or is there anyway I can turn on some logging so that I can see what is triggering the bad request (400) error on the server?

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 28 '18, 10:53 a.m.

Hi Jorge, 

I would suggest enabling some debug logging for the RQM Reportable REST API (see  The RQM XML Schema documentation ( contains the required/optional writable/read-only properties for all the supported test artifacts.

Sounds like you're missing required properties.

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