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Error install BF v8.0.0.2

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked Aug 27 '15, 10:37 p.m.
We are installing a brand new v8 on a new Windows 2012 server, following this post, but got this error, any idea?

Jirong Hu commented Aug 28 '15, 9:47 a.m. | edited Aug 30 '15, 9:18 p.m.


2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 28 '15, 12:23 a.m.
It will be helpful if you can copy the error message out of the tiny screenshot for other to see it clearly and completely. I believe you are seeing the same error as reported in this post.
(The issue went away after a few months without Jérôme knowing exactly what changes on the system made it work).

I could also see a couple of more cases reported and the cause did not get identified in either cases. Some possible solutions were suggested though.
1. Add below path to the system environment variable "Path".
<Build Forge installation folder>\IBM\Build Forge\Apache\bin
Add below path to the system environment variable "OPENSSL_CONF".
<Build Forge installation folder>\IBM\Build Forge\Apache\conf\openssl.cnf
2. Modify the openssl.cnf by doing the following
1) Replace all slash(/) with double backslashes (\\).
2) Assign an exact path to the variable "dir" - for example, "dir = C:\\myCA"

Jirong Hu commented Aug 30 '15, 9:39 p.m. | edited Aug 30 '15, 9:40 p.m.

 We are using WAS 8, is it still the same path? \Apache? BTW, we've encountered the DB2 tablespace error in the link and resolved it.

Donald Nong commented Aug 31 '15, 6:09 a.m.

I think it's the same path. It's where you can find the "openssl" command. It can be
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Build Forge\Apache\bin

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Joshua Keefe (1011) | answered Sep 02 '15, 6:48 p.m.
You may want to attempt to manually run the openssl command listed in the output to test if the command can complete without issues.
The openssl command should be available under the %BF_HOME%\Manager\install.log file, though the password will be hidden as required.

A similar reported issue with this error was resolved by modifying the password to following password rules.
You may need to modify your password to use alternate set of characters.

Jirong Hu commented Sep 02 '15, 8:42 p.m.

Thanks for the info. Looks like for encryption we have to use strong password with Capital, and special keys. We figured it out after multiple attempts.

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