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Build forge agent for Engineering Workflow management 7.0.2 SR1

david yu (11) | asked Oct 31 '22, 9:28 a.m.

 Current environment: 

Server side on windows 12 : RTC server 6.0.4 installed on Windows 12, RTC components including: CCM, DCC, LDX, LQE, RS;  database use db2 on separate windows 12 server, didn't use websphere liberty but usign import war into websphere server.

Client side: install Build Forge agent BF80070_68 and build systems toolkit on Aix machine.

Question: Since we'll try upgrade to EWM 7.0.2,  What version Build forge agent is needed for EWM 7.0.2 ? 
Please advise it. Thanks in advance

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 02 '22, 3:41 a.m.

 Go to the EWM Download page for the version you are interested in. On the Getting Started tab scroll down and open the System Requirements from the link. Click the All Platforms (or the platform you are interested in if available. 

CTRL+F and type Build Fo then look up the numbers.

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