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bfschema -k switch?

Jozef Vandenmooter (16332933) | asked Mar 16 '13, 4:14 p.m.

Hi guys,

Anyone know what the bfschema command's -k swtich that we're supposed to use does?

bfschema -cV -f "BuildForge/DB/Schema/schema.xml" -i "BuildForge/DB/Schema/initialData.xml" -k -r

-c  create the schema

-V  verify the schema before executing commands

-f  path to the xml schema file to use

-i  path to the insert data file to use

-k  ???

-r  reload language packages



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Spencer Murata (2.3k115971) | answered Mar 18 '13, 8:59 a.m.
 I don't have source access, but you could run it with a -sp with and without the -k and see if there is a difference...


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