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Build forge does not support the insatallation manager (64 bit)

Bharat Malge (2131830) | asked Nov 20 '15, 7:44 a.m.
        I am using installation manager 1.8.3 64-bit . And I wish to install the Build Forge 8.0 but it is throwing an error  "CRIMA113W: The following package do not support the installation manager that you are using: Build Forge version 8.0. If you continue, you might have issues with installation and deployment."

So I would like to know is there any 64-bit package for Build Forge is available or I have to continue by ignoring this error or There are no known issues installing Build forge 8.0 with IM 64-bit. And a warning is now shown to warn you of the the potential risk which will not effect after the installation.


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Kohji Ohsawa (5951310) | answered Nov 23 '15, 3:40 a.m.
Hi Bharat,

Wouldn't it be possible for you to use 32bit IM instead of 64bit? I am not sure if there is 64bit version for BF repository and if you can ignore the warning. I usually use 32bit IM when I see the warning.

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