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How to configure oracle service_name instead SID on installation?

Antonio Carlos Lacerda Dias (3211014) | asked Jul 22 '14, 12:44 p.m.

I'm having a problem when try connect to Oracle Database.

Our databases are using service_name instead SID and I don't know how to configure it on Build Forge during on installation.

Somebody have ideia about it?

Oracle 11g 64x
Build Forge


Donald Nong commented Jul 23 '14, 12:03 a.m.

Your Oracle database has to have an SID and you just have to find out. If in doubt, show what the tnsnames.ora file looks like.
Also notice in the Build Forge document.

Important: During installation, tnsnames.ora is set up to use the same value for the database name and the Oracle SID. A limitation in JDBC drivers requires this constraint. If they are not the same, the Quick Report reporting feature and the services-layer APIs for Java and Perl do not work.

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