Another kind of "plaform shutdown" error
While doing maven releases from Jenkins we randomly get the following error:
[INFO] Executing: cmd.exe /X /C "scm status --wide"
[INFO] Working directory: F:\Data\var\jenkins-nodes\xxxx
[ERROR] Error: Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown:$1$1
The generic user that run the Jenkins build and perform the release the following licences:
- Rational Team Concert - Developer-Floating
- Rational Team Concert - Build System
One answer
The error "Job found still running after platform shutdown" returned by "scm status" command looks like a known defect fixed in RTC 5.0. See
Which RTC version is used on Jenkins build server?
Which RTC version is used on Jenkins build server?
Version of RTC on the Jenkins server is 4.0.6.
Actually we also had an error that looked like the one in your link since the message was
[ERROR] Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown:
This error was solved by upgrading from 4.0.3 to 4.0.6 and/or applying a patch described in a Jazz thread about a similar issue.
The current error is not exaclty similar and is still not solved. It talks about$
The issue seems like a product defect. I can find some work items may related to the issue:
Currently you can either try to upgrade or modify your build script to ignore such error.