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With RTC, is it Possible to Have the Output of One Query be Used as Input to Another Query

I am pretty sure I know the answer but just making sure. We have two record types. One record type A which contains membership name ands locations. Then we have record type B which list different projects and the leads for the project. We want to create a list of records where the lead for a project is from a certain location. Name and location are in record type A and project and name are in record type B. Is there a way to query record type A, get all of he names from a location and run that through query B and find out which of these names are leads?
If RTC cannot do this, is this something that JRS can handle?
Accepted answer


Thanks for the response. No there is no link between the two. So how would you query on the link? Let's say that I create a link between record type A (member name, location) to record type B (member, project). So you click on the link it would take you from member info to the project info. Where or how would you then create the query?

Ok, so I did some playing around and I figured out how to run a query on a link. And it does take me in to the other record, which is cool. But I can do a search on "Related to"->"Lead Name (attribute), but I still have to fill in the value of the "Lead Name" that it needs to find. So right now I query on the records that contain the location, so I get all of the members from a location, then I query on "Related"->"Lead Name", but I cannot push the member name in to the "Lead Name" that I am searching for. Does that make sense?

Ok, I think I figured it out with the link suggestion! Thanks!