How does "Maximum number of threads" setting of "Content Transfer" work?
Users are saying it takes long time to checkin. There is setting called "Maximum number of download threads" in Window > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control.
I was wondering what is "Maximum number of threads" setting of "Content Transfer" and how does it work.
Any information would be very much appreciated.
Accepted answer
The "max threads" setting controls the number of files RTC will attempt to upload or download in parallel for a particular SCM operation (checkin, accept, etc.). RTC allocates an individual Java thread for each file it transfers. So if you check in a change set with 20 files and "max threads" is set to 10 (the default value), RTC will attempt to upload 10 of those files to the server at the same time, potentially speeding up the checkin operation.
However, if your users are experiencing slow checkins, this setting is probably not going solve their problem. The default setting is usually sufficient for most situations. The RTC client's "Metronome" feature (Windows > Preferences > Team > Jazz Source Control > Show traffic statistics in status bar) may provide clues as to what is happening. Try Metronome's connection speed tester to identify network bandwidth/latency problems.