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Quality Objectives do not seem to be calculating

Jason Wilson (311326) | asked Aug 20 '15, 9:07 a.m.
Hi I am wondering if anyone is able to assist.

I have a feeling that the quality objectives are not calculating correctly.

For example I have added the objective that no open severity 1 defects exist upon exiting test. I know that I have two open, however when I evaluate the objective it claims that 0 (zero) exist and hence it is successful.

I have checked the help and tried creating and editing the objectives, but this does not seem to work.

Is there something I am missing, is this something that requires api coding etc?



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paul chu (59411) | answered Aug 20 '15, 11:38 a.m.
I believe you are using the predefined "Number of Open Sev1 Defects" objective.  Can you make sure that the defects are associated to the TCERs of the test plan?  Select the TCER section of the test plan, then check the "Defects" column for opened severity 1 defects.
Jason Wilson selected this answer as the correct answer

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