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CLM 5.0.2: URL for JRS changes during login

Tommy Moris (1145) | asked Aug 07 '15, 11:07 a.m.

I installed RTC v5.0.2 (Modules jts & ccm) + also the JRS.
Before with version 4.0.4, we had separate URLs for jts and ccm modules. (I use domain as example here)


Now with version 5.0.2, we also use now JRS to generate reports. I added JRS as friend to CCM + approved it in JTS as an inbound consumer.
However, when accessing rs (, I see that it redirects to JTS for logging in. ( and stays on that domain even after logging on.
Is there a way we can keep the domain name we currently use for CCM?

Donald Nong commented Aug 10 '15, 2:41 a.m.

What is the public URI registered for JRS? You should always use the public URI even though you can access the application with other host names.

Tommy Moris commented Aug 10 '15, 4:38 a.m.

I ran through my installation document ans saw that I apparently registered JRS with the URL of JTS.

I just did following steps to see if this would fix the issue:

in jts/admin: remove registered application JRS
rerun jts/setup and register rs now with
remove previously created friend records in CCM admin & inbound consumer for JTS
created a new friend record in CCM & inbound consumer for JTS with new url.

However, when accessing JRS, it still redirecrs to the JTS url.

Is there another procedure to follow?

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 10 '15, 9:16 p.m.
If you already registered the JRS public URI with the JTS host name, the only way to change it back to the CCM host name is via a "server rename" (just for JRS). Do not try to force a public URI change via re-registering the application, as it will not work. Re-register the application as is and do a "server rename" and it should be good to go.

But you need to be aware of a known issue of the JRS server rename before doing so.

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