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Report to return OPEN Parent WI only when all of its Child Tasks are CLOSED

Yogashree M (7619) | asked Jun 13 '19, 1:22 a.m.
edited Jun 13 '19, 1:23 a.m.

 Hello Team,

I am trying to fetch the OPEN STATE Parent Work Item of Type Change Request where all of its  Child Tasks are in CLOSED STATE in JAZZ REPORTING SERVICE.

I created the report in following way:
  • Established Parent and Child relationship
  • Parent WI Type= Change request AND Status=OPEN
  • Child Status= CLOSED
Report should display OPEN  Parent WI only when all of its Child Tasks are CLOSED.

Quick help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

2 answers

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Jun 13 '19, 8:49 a.m.
You didn't mention which version of the solution you're using, but regardless this is quite a simple report. I just built it in a few minutes. Let me attach some screen shots.

This provides only Solution Epics (Parents) that are NOT in any Closed state with children that are in any Closed state.


permanent link
Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Jun 13 '19, 8:52 a.m.
Oops, screen shots didn't "stick", let me try this again. Conditions Traceability
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