Calling data from another work item
Dear concern,
I'm implementing CLM 5.0.2 and we need to customize RTC workflow with respect to our workflows, our major work item is change request which has a complex workflow like against every change request which user would create we need to set some back-end parameters and on the basis of those parameters we will enable/disable few screen controls and also we will change the workflow.
the first issue which i'm facing is that i create a seperate form(workItem) called Systems parameters where i create two text fields 1, Systems 2, SubSystems and i saved some systems & subsystems name from there.
then i create another form(workitem) where i call the same text fields(Systems & SubSystems) attribute as two dropdowns like 1, Systems dropdown and 2, SubSystems dropdowns.
now when i open either of the dropdown then it displays me a message of "retrieving" but this retrieving never end and continues.
now i'm expecting the same record which i had entered from text fields in these dropdowns. please help me how can i do this.
Waiting for your response.
One answer
Work item attributes of type string or string list store the data in the individual work item. The data is not accessible by other work items. It is possible to define a http filtered value set that provides the data for selection from multiple work items.
For how the HTTP filtered value set works, see
Lab 4
For how the HTTP filtered value set works, see
Lab 4
Hi Ralph Schoon,
So according to your answer it is not possible to retrieve data in the way i'm doing it ???
secondly Against lab 4 there is only PEWEnactmentData.war file please guide what can i do with this file???
Thanks in advance
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Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 05 '15, 2:36 a.m.I don't understand what the attributes are (their type) and how they get their data. I assume they are stringList. If so, what provides the values? Is it just free text?
Sajjad Ali Khan
Aug 05 '15, 3:35 a.m.Hi Ralph Schoon
they displayed as text fields having "String" kind