How to cancel a Data Movement Task (DMT) job when it is running over certain time?
Customer has some custom DMT jobs usually take around 3-4 hours to complete.
Customer has scheduled those jobs to run daily.
When something goes wrong, the DMT job "Executing" for over 24 hours, and the next schedule run begin, the jobs are just piling up in Insight's Current Activities.
The job does not fail, just showing as "Executing" forever.
Customer has to manually "Cancel" the job.
Is there a way to automatically cancel the job if it has been running over 24 hours but not complete/failure?
Customer has scheduled those jobs to run daily.
When something goes wrong, the DMT job "Executing" for over 24 hours, and the next schedule run begin, the jobs are just piling up in Insight's Current Activities.
The job does not fail, just showing as "Executing" forever.
Customer has to manually "Cancel" the job.
Is there a way to automatically cancel the job if it has been running over 24 hours but not complete/failure?
One answer
One way to automatically cancel a DMT job is to set 'Maximum execution time" for Insight data movement service.
Maximum execution time: If the time limit is exceeded for requests sent to the report service, batch report service, and data movement service, the execution is cancelled.
Launch IBM Cognos Administration>Configuration tab>Dispatchers and Services>click the dispatcher
At column of DataMovementService, click "Set properties"
From Settings tab, change the Value of Maximum execution time for the data movement service (seconds) to your desired value (in seconds).
Maximum execution time: If the time limit is exceeded for requests sent to the report service, batch report service, and data movement service, the execution is cancelled.
Launch IBM Cognos Administration>Configuration tab>Dispatchers and Services>click the dispatcher
At column of DataMovementService, click "Set properties"
From Settings tab, change the Value of Maximum execution time for the data movement service (seconds) to your desired value (in seconds).