Where are the ETL jobs stored in Rational Insight
3 answers
you need to download the Data Manager packages from the CLM server and import them using the data manager client.
You can see the detailed instructions here:
Integrating the Collaborative Lifecycle Management report packages with Rational Insight
Best Regards
Additionally the Insight standard out of the box catalog can be found here:
Loading the Rational Insight out-of-the-box catalog
To get the full "OOTB and CLM" set of jobs you will need to do both bits of the above, but the second bit will restore the whole catalog, so you need to do that first, THEN add the CLM packages afterwards.
1 vote
Please can anyone tell me if there is anything specific to the server within the CLM Data Manager packages?
We have 2 CLM servers in our environment. One has recently been upgraded to V4 and the other is going to be upgraded in a couple of weeks. I have downloaded the packages from the first server. Can I then use those packages to extract data from the second server, or will I need to download a new set once the second upgrade is complete?
Hello Jill,
as far as I know there is nothing server specific in the DM packages.
So as long as both servers are on the same versions there should be no problem.
The server specific information for the ETL process are stored in the XDC files, and those need to be downloaded from each server (you can also manually customize a copy from a server with the same version but this is usually more work, especially for RQM where you have an entry for each project).
Best Regards
Were you able to integrate CLM 4.0.2 and RI sucessfully ?
We also have similar environment and while running ETL jobs it gets hung.
After that we had suggestion from Rational as CLM 4.0.2 and RI are not compatible.
Can you please confirm if that combination works for you ?
We are in the process of trying to load data from CLM 4.0.2 into RI
We have a lot of data in our CLM environment and the data loads are taking a long time to run (and occasionally fall over).
However, we have managed to get the JTS and the RTC jobs to complete and a couple of RQM project areas have also loaded.
I excluded a couple of the RTC jobs from the dataload as we don't need this data for our applications and these ones seemed to be taking a particularly long time:
- RTC_WorkitemHistory3.0.1.2 and
- RTC_HistoryCustomAttr3 (part of RTC_WorkitemCustomAttribute JobStream)
NB. If you exclude RTC_WorkitemHistory3.0.1.2, you will need to edit the "Finish" routine and remove "AND $RESULT05=TRUE"
Hope this helps.