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Back up eclipse/rdz/rtc client workspace/sandbox on disk to RTC repository

Ravikanth Chavali (401724) | asked Aug 03 '15, 10:04 p.m.
edited Aug 04 '15, 10:40 p.m.

What is the best way to back up the current workspace where eclipse client is launched ?

Tried doing...

  1. Create a RWS & Default Component MyClientWorkspace
  2. Load > Load root folders of the components as projects
  3. Load and create eclipse project for selected folder. NOTE: I could NOT use Advanced options > Load selected folders but do not create Eclipse projects
  4. Import File System > Browse to select the client workspace root directory.

While trying to do so, got the following error(s).

Problems were encountered during import:
  Could not read from source when writing file 'C:\RTCworkspace\MyClientWorkspaceComp\.jazz5\.jazzlock'
  The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
  Error opening input stream for C:\RTCworkspace\.jazz5\.flags\.inverseItemInfos.isComplete
  Error opening input stream for C:\RTCworkspace\.jazz5\.flags\.persistentMetadata.isComplete
  Could not read from source when writing file 'C:\RTCworkspace\MyClientWorkspaceComp\.metadata\.cicsexplorer.trace.0.log.lck'
  The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
  Could not read from source when writing file 'C:\RTCworkspace\MyClientWorkspaceComp\.metadata\.lock'
  The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
  Could not read from source when writing file 'C:\RTCworkspace\MyClientWorkspaceComp\.metadata\.plugins\\fulltext_index\\write.lock'
  The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
  Could not read from source when writing file 'C:\RTCworkspace\MyClientWorkspaceComp\.metadata\.plugins\\fulltext_index\\write.lock'
  The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.

Can these(*.lock) be safely ignored since the rest of the files are imported or any other cleaner approach ?

Thank you, 

Ravikanth Chavali

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Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k13477) | answered Aug 04 '15, 3:10 a.m.
 Hi Ravikanth,

Repository Workspace  is a server backup copy of the user which is stored on the repository level.

There is the "Repository Workspace" which is your copy of a Stream. This is the place where your checked in changes go. It is your own private area to back up your changes until you are ready to make them available to others. It is persisted on the server and a copy of it usually loaded into a Sandbox. 

There is also the "Eclipse Workspace" which describes the area on disk that Eclipse uses to hold projects (code you may be working on).  To summarize, the Eclipse Workspace is a place on disk for files/folders; the Repository Workspace is a place on the RTC server preserving versions of files/folders/symbolic links. 

Please find the link below for more details.


Ravikanth Chavali commented Aug 04 '15, 3:21 a.m.

I understand the difference, between Repository Workspace and Eclipse Workspace. 

I meant to check, how we could back up the "Eclipse workspace" on the disk.

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