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Workitem IDs generation on RTC

Mohamed ELBEIALY (2616) | asked Nov 27 '16, 10:29 p.m.
edited Nov 27 '16, 10:32 p.m.
I have a CLM server that I administrate and support. I got a compliant form client that they receive the attached message when they tried to bulk upload some workitems from a CSV to RTC and they receive the following message.
When server log was check this error was found.
After restarting the server, a strange behavior has started to show regarding incrementing of workitems IDs on RTC. The work items IDs are now of 1000XXX (1 million and above) instead of 56XXX (less than 100,000) as it was before last restart. file:///C:/Users/IBM_ADMIN/Desktop/$10F8CC42A48588EA.jpg

Is there any way to fix this?


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Miguel Tomico (5001423) | answered Nov 28 '16, 7:47 a.m.

I've never seen that behaviour. I would suggest to contact IBM Support.

As per the gap in the identifiers, it shouldn't be a problem by itself, but I would still contact Support to find out what's the nature of the issue.

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