Export standard report in Excel 2013 format doesn't work
I am using RTC 5.0.1 and needs to export a standard report "Open vs. closed WI" into Excel format.
Web Browser/Reports/Shared Reports.
Choose the report and open it. Press Export and choose Excel format.
I have used MicrosoftExcel 2013 and before it opens the files exported I got the error message: "The file you are trying to open, "report-2.xls' is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file., Do you want to open the file?"
Choosing option Yes I got the file opened in Excel but without any data but the table header.
I mention, I can see the report graph and can export the graph via a PDF or word, but when I choose to export to excel, it does not export data, just headers. I can click on the graph and it takes me to the data and I can export from there, but on the main graph it shows multiple people and work items, it would be nice to see the report with everyones data.
I have had other try this operation and they have gotten the same error.
I have read these other posts, I believe the 3rd link is the solution, but wanted to validate before I open a ticket with higher level of support. I am not using a widget, just running a standard report "Open vs. closed Work Items"
One answer
I try to open such a file in Excel View 2003 but it fails as well. I have not found a way to convert such a file to a more useful format, or a tool to open it properly.
P.S. I managed the find a machine with Excel 2003 and could open the export Excel file without any errors. Since it's a plain XML file, of course there are no graphs.