Possible to create a Trend report plotting the changes of a RTC custom integer field over time ?
We have a RTC custom work item type ('Project_Information') which contains a custom integer field ('Project_Spent_Budget').
Using a Reporting tool (not BIRT, not RRDI, not Insight) which accesses the RTC databases directly (RTC and DW), we want to create a Report which plots the trend/changes of the Project_Spent_Budget field over time.
So this Report needs to access each 'Project_Spent_Budget' field change, and plot a Report as per picture below.
Is this possible ?
If Y, which exact DB table(s) should we look at to capture all the Project_Spent_Budget changes (date of change and new value) ?
One answer
I hands-on'ed this one, i.e. created 1 Project_Information work item, and changed the value (integer) of its Project_Spent_Budget field 3 times.
What I observed looking at the DB2 tables is as follows:
(1) In the DW database, RIODS.REQUEST table, 1 row is created for the Project_Information work item (identified by REQUEST_ID)
(2) In the DW database, RICALM.REQUEST_HISTORY table, 3 rows are created corresponding to the 3 changes to Project_Spent_Budget field (each change/row is identified by 1 REQUEST_HISTORY_ID, all have the same REQUEST_ID identified in (1))
(3) in the DW database, RICALM.REQUEST_HISTORY_INT_EXT, for the 3 rows corresponding to each above REQUEST_HISTORY_ID, I see in the NAME column the name of my changed Project_Spent_Budget field (com.ibm.*.workitem.attribute.Project_Information.Project_Spent_Budget), and in the VAL column the changed value of the field.
So that answers my original question.