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Create roles for specific build definitions

Rodrigo Campos (1037) | asked May 06 '15, 1:42 p.m.


I have 3 different build definitions for my project, 1 for SIT, 1 UAT and 1 Prod.

I want to create a role that can request build for SIT only, there's any ways to do that?


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Martha (Ruby) Andrews (3.0k44351) | answered May 06 '15, 3:02 p.m.
Yes, this can be done. The key is to have the SIT build owned by a different team area and allow the role to request builds in that team area.

For instance:
Create Project Area  "PA1"
Create Team Area "TA1"
Create 2 builds: UAT owned by PA1 and SIT owned by TA1
In TA1, create role "Build Requester" and allow the role to request builds.
Add user "Dave" to TA1, but not PA1. Assign Build Requester role to Dave
Dave can now request an SIT build, but gets Permission Denied when requesting a UAT build.

For this to work, the Everyone role needs to be configured so that it cannot request builds. This is the default for templates that ship with RTC.

Martha (Ruby) Andrew
Jazz Foundation L3 Development Team Lead

Rodrigo Campos selected this answer as the correct answer

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