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Why authentication failed every few minutes in RTC Client

Tanveer Zubair (211213) | asked Apr 12 '19, 1:07 p.m.
I am using RTC 6.0.6 client on Windows machine.
We are using ldap user id and pwd.
I changed my PC pass word few days ago and from that I facing a challenge.   This is for sure a local problem on my system only.   The overall CLM is working fine.

The RTC IDE is kicking me out every few minutes, looks like it is attempting re-authenticate me and very likely getting old pwd and failed.   It is very annoying and I have to login again again every few minutes. 

Any idea how to fix this issue.   I appreciate all.


Tanveer Zubair commented Apr 15 '19, 10:02 a.m.
Following instruction resolved my problem:

Try a new repository workspace.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 15 '19, 10:10 a.m.

Eclipse stores some data as mementos in the .metadata folder in the Eclipse workspace. That is where something went wrong. I would assume that the removal of the repository connection should have been enough. But maybe not.  

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 13 '19, 6:57 a.m.
  1. Delete the repository connection and recreate it again.
  2. Try a new repository workspace.
  3. Check the logs in the .metadata folder.
  4. Check the Java Version used by the client and update to a more current one.
Tanveer Zubair selected this answer as the correct answer

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