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Clearcase/Clearquest import RTC 2.0

Jan Van de Poel (2413216) | asked Jul 10 '09, 2:14 p.m.
In RTC 2.0, there is support for importing from CC as well as CQ. I have been experimenting with this and have some questions:

- The imported files I have, all get an extra blank line after every line in the file. I think it has something todo with the interpretation of the carriage return in my files but I do not know how to fix it.

- If you are importing from CC UCM, is it possible to keep the links between your activities and your source code

- The selection of files to import, does not fill the check boxes recursively and to my experience all the files in the project get imported...


4 answers

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jul 11 '09, 12:16 a.m.
The default assumption is that your VOB's have text files stored in LF
("Unix") format. I predict that this is not the case for you, and so
you need to change the LINE_DELIMITER property for the ClearCase
provider to be CRLF ("Windows") format. If you then remove everything
from your "select files to synchronize" list, and then add them back, it
will re-import those files and fix up the line endings. Or you can just
create a new synchronized stream, and set this property before you do
your first synchronize.

Note: I was going to suggest that to control line endings, you look at
the on-line help topic: "Specifying line termination characters for text
files". Unfortunately, that topic is out-of-date (it still has the 1.0
help text, which is no longer valid for 2.0). I'll file a defect
against that, so unfortunately, please ignore what is said in that help
topic until it is fixed in the next 2.0 patch release.

WRT keeping the links between your activities and source code, no, the
fine grained change-set information from ClearCase is not replicated
into RTC ... it just stores a list of the imported activities in the
import work item description.

WRT the GUI filling the check boxes ... I remember discussing that with
our GUI developer, and I think there was some reason we didn't do that,
but I can't remember why, so I'll file that as a request.


JanVdP wrote:
In RTC 2.0, there is support for importing from CC as well as CQ. I
have been experimenting with this and have some questions:

- The imported files I have, all get an extra blank line after every
line in the file. I think it has something todo with the
interpretation of the carriage return in my files but I do not know
how to fix it.

- If you are importing from CC UCM, is it possible to keep the links
between your activities and your source code

- The selection of files to import, does not fill the check boxes
recursively and to my experience all the files in the project get


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Christian Morgan (317714) | answered Aug 19 '09, 2:26 p.m.
In RTC 2.0 with the support for importing both CC and CQ artifacts to RTC, I have a cpl of questions.

1 - The comparison matrix states this is supported in Express and Std. is that correct?
2 - If the CC importer is supported in Express, will it work with a CCLT server or is it only for full CC as the connector has a dependecy on dynamic views?
3 - If the CQ importer is suppoted in Express, how does one account for customized state machines in CQ, where the work item workflow cannot be customized in Express?

Thanks in advance for any info.


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Aug 19 '09, 5:18 p.m.
1) Yes, both the CC and CQ importers are supposed to work in both
Express and Std.

2) The CC importer in 2.0 does have the same restrictions as the CC
Synchronizer, i.e. that it requires the use of a CC dynamic view.

3) In the CQ Synchronizer, you use "sync rules" to between the states in
the CQ record and the states of an RTC work item. So you just have to
do your best to map CQ fields to the available Express RTC states.


chrismorgan03 wrote:
In RTC 2.0 with the support for importing both CC and CQ artifacts to
RTC, I have a cpl of questions.

1 - The comparison matrix states this is supported in Express and Std.
is that correct?
2 - If the CC importer is supported in Express, will it work with a
CCLT server or is it only for full CC as the connector has a
dependecy on dynamic views?
3 - If the CQ importer is suppoted in Express, how does one account
for customized state machines in CQ, where the work item workflow
cannot be customized in Express?

Thanks in advance for any info.


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Lorelei Ngooi (1.5k22) | answered Aug 20 '09, 9:21 a.m.
The CQ Importer uses a data mapping file, which is similar to the CQ Synchronizer's sync rules, to define the mapping between the CQ fields/data and RTC fields/data.

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