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How to add multiple BuildResultContributions to a RTC Build Record?

Murali Krishna Adiraju (133) | asked Dec 10 '13, 2:13 a.m.
edited Dec 10 '13, 4:16 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

I am trying to add multiple BuildResultContributions to an RTC Build Record which is not working.

I tried 2 different approaches to handle this scenario:

  1. using ITeamBuildClient.addBuildResultContribution() method by passing IBuildResultContribution instance. In this case, if I have multiple contribution instances, I iterated through them and invoked this method multiple times in the loop.
  2. using ITeamBuildClient.addBuildResultContributions() method by passing an array of IBuildResultContribution instances. In this case, I created an array of the contribution instances and passed this array to addBuildResultContributions() method along with other additional arguments.

In both the cases, it didn't work. In the RTC Build record, I am getting only one Snapshot contribution inspite of having multiple values.

I am using RTC SDK 4.0.1 API to handle this.

Please let me know if I am missing anything in this case.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 10 '13, 4:16 a.m.
It would help if you described what you want to achieve.

Please use 'addBuildResultContribution' in your search engine, there are several discussions where you might find hints. Some places to look at:

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