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Sort Work Item Query on a Custom Attribute

Accepted answer

I just tried this via the Web UI in both 4.0 and using custom attributes of type Small String and Timestamp and the custom attributes show up in the pick list for Sort Order (and I can select them and use them). The Add Sort Column picker list does not do a case insensitive sort, so if you happened to add attribute whose name begins with a lower case letter, it will show up at the bottom of the list. Since other attribute lists (like the picker for adding an attribute to an Editor Presentation) _do_ use a case insensitive sort, it seems likely that you gave up looking for the attributes because they weren't where you expected them.
I also tried with a Large String (the default type when adding a custom attribute), and that does not show up as a sort option -- which is normal, Description (a Large HTML field) doesn't show up as a sortable field either as the "Large" fields are not stored as normal database columns (so we can't sort on them).
So I think this works fine and as intended with the caveat that the attribute collection mechanism does not populate the list with a case insensitive sort (as some of the other attributes lists do).
@John Lander I see that the enhancement you filed was specifically about using the Contributor Attribute Kind and not Custom Attributes in general. I tried your example in 4.0 and don't see a Sponsor in the sort list there -- I will add comments to your work item.
3 other answers

I'm also trying to sort custom attribute (from type: Large HTML), but I couldn't find it in 'Sorting' list. how I can add it there?

Unfortunately Eric's answer from 2012 is still valid:
Todd Goldstein
Jul 12 '12, 4:07 p.m.I have this same problem in 3.0.1. Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it an attribute setting when you create it or is this a defect?
John S F Lander
Jul 12 '12, 9:58 a.m.Have the same problem - as no response will raise an enhancement request