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Support the Eclipse Luna

Justin Kong (1111) | asked Jun 17 '15, 3:51 a.m.
After trying nearly all version of current RTC, I found there was some conflicts that prevent the installation of RTC client for Eclipse Luna, when I try it to "Extend an existing Eclipse", it prompt the following conflict dependency:

Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.

3 answers

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DJ Houghton (2663) | answered Jun 17 '15, 10:00 a.m.
Which Eclipse download are you trying to install into? What other things do you have installed in your Eclipse?

I've used the RTC Client with the "regular" Eclipse Client (base + PDE + JDT available here: without any issues.

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Robert Bones (11) | answered Jun 17 '15, 4:31 p.m.
If its this error with the help system level, I'm getting it too...  Did you figure it out?

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Robert Bones (11) | answered Jun 17 '15, 5:36 p.m.
Ok, I just figured it out...  But, it wasn't easy...  You have to use the P2 repository installation method to install into a non-Rational Eclipse, like Luna...  The following links are to P2 installation instructions and the P2 repository zip file download:

Good Luck!


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