rtc error creating repository workspace or accepting change sets

We've been using RTC for 2 years now and all of a sudden I'm seeing the attached error message when trying to create a new repo from a stream (via eclipse plugin v4.0.1) - it was happening infrequently last week and then resolved itself, but it's now been happening constantly since yesterday and I'm unable to carry on with my work. Any suggestions?
I've logged in to the admin console and can't see any errors - also noticed the up time for the server is 596 days! Is it worth considering a restart of the server?
Arun K Sriramaiah
Oct 17 '14, 7:22 a.m.Hi Manprit,
Could you please provide us the error logs
1) Reproduce the issue and share the information from metadata\.log file
2) Check the ccm.log information.