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not receiving email notification when added as an approver

nannette Mori (50985) | asked Jun 16 '15, 4:11 p.m.

I checked the ccm.log and there were no errors in reference to email.  I do not have permission to access the jts server but the admin person says there are no email errors.  His email configuration is configured for approvals.

I am not sure what else to check.

One answer

permanent link
Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Jun 16 '15, 4:16 p.m.
Each user has configurable e-mail preferences.  One is "Email me for approval changes that affect me" as well as as other work item change categories.   In WebUI of the application  choose "View my Profile and Licenses" from the menu under the logged in user's name ( upper right ).   Click on the Mail Configuration section on the left.

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