Rational DOORS Web Access Custom Type Read Only
2 answers
If you do a GET on any object URI directly (with Accept and OSLC-Core-Version headers), you'll find the complete representation of the object including custom types - provided you have access to it in GUI.
If you want to access the custom attribute values using queryBase and oslc.select, then you'll likely need to use rm_property:attrDef-xxxx. You can find what the name is (attrDef-xxxx) by looking up the resourceShape.
For example, try something like this:
https://<server>:<port>/dwa/rm/oslc/query/urn:rational::1-55718b4938b21a1e-M-00000020?oslc.where=dcterms:creator="User 1"&oslc.select=dcterms:title,rm_property:attrDef-1002
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the answer, but it still does not work.
In addition, I have access to these values in DOORS Web Access.
Is that an enumerated attribute? If that's the case, you'll probably find the values in terms of links appended with #1, #2 and so on representing different values.. For example, one of the rdfs:member is as below:
<oslc_rm:Requirement rdf:about="https://<server>:<port>/dwa/rm/urn:rational::1-55718b4938b21a1e-O-19-00000020">
<rm_property:attrDef-1003 rdf:resource="https://<server>:<port>/dwa/rm/urn:rational::1-55718b4938b21a1e-M-00000020/types/attrDef-1003#2"/>
<dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">19: Computer hardware resource utilization requirements</dcterms:title>
Are you not getting even this? If so, its probably worth pursuing this via PMR..
If you are getting link representation, you can use "useEnumLabel=true" in the query, to get the actual value of enumerated attribute (instead of link representation as shown above).
Thanks a lot, that worked. I can now see the values of my custom types that are enumerations.
Not sure what's going wrong with your query.. I'm able to get all properties using oslc.select=*
And, "readonly"=false - states if the attribute is read-only or not. For example, Absolute Number is a read-only attribute of an object - so that property will have this flag set to true. All user created attributes will be set as false - since they can be updated.
It is not dependent on ACL set on attributes for the currently logged in user (that's my guess, I've not checked).