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How to report on requirement state in CLM 6.0.3?

Philippe Leblanc (1918) | asked Mar 24 '17, 9:25 a.m.

Tools: CLM 6.0.3 with DNG and JRS-LQE
Using Report Builder with LQE, I want to generate a pie chart showing the distribution of requirements according to their state: Draft, In review, Approved, etc. I did not find "state" in the list of available attributes, so I am not able to add it as a new column. As a consequence, I am not able to draw my pie chart.
How is it possible?

2 answers

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Andrey Kulpanovich (471411) | answered May 07 '18, 2:21 p.m.

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Kenji Sarai (96039) | answered May 08 '18, 2:45 a.m.


I cannot find "State" in RM's artifact attribute definition, so I assume this is a custom attribute.

According to the link below, Custom attributes, such as Status or Difficulty, are not included in the metrics as of DNG 6.0.3.

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