How to backup data locally for DNG on the cloud
Our server was upgraded over the weekend.
Prior to the upgrade, we created a baseline in case the upgrade was not successful.
However, a baseline would not enable us to recover from a lost server, or a similar disaster.
Is there a way that we can backup our project data, similar to the .dpa that DOORS Classic could generate?
This would have to be to a local backup, not a cloud backup, that we can keep that as an completely independent backup.
And, of course, there would have to be some way or restoring that backup.
Accepted answer
To completely backup ALL data, it has to be done at the server side by backing up the database.
There are two ways to backup data locally with some limitations.
Method 1. create a ReqIF definition and then export/download the ReqIF file
What can be in the ReqIF definition:
Links, folders, tags of the selected artifacts/modules
Cannot create from a baseline
Must be created from the latest data
Some meta data (eg. reviews) are not in the ReqIF
Have to select artifacts/modules individually
To get data back:
Import the ReqIF into a different folder
Method 2. create a project template and then download the project template file
What can be in the project template:
artifacts, artifact templates,module templates, attributes and data
types, links, link types, folder structure, tags, shared views,
preferred link types of the WHOLE project
Cannot create from a baseline
Must be created from the latest data
Some meta data (eg. reviews) are not in the project template file
To get data back:
Create a new project area from the template
Note: None of the two local backup methods can restore the original artifacts. They only create copies of the data.
2 other answers
I am not aware of such a capability. For all I know you can only backup the whole system. See for how to back up.
Our DNG on Cloud offering includes daily DR backups of the entire environment (VM(s)). In the event of total loss of the server(s), we are able to restore the environment with no older than 24 hour RPO (recovery point objective) data. Thus, keeping a local DR data backup is not necessary with our DNG on Cloud offering.