"Linking between project areas": can we associate several PAs to do the same services, i.e.: provides defect to several PAs

I just need a quick confirmation regarding the integration between CLM applications more precisely the linking between project areas.
Is it possible to integrate a Project Area of an application to several Project Areas to provide the same type of functions? I don’t find the exact explanation in the on-line doc: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSYMRC_5.0.0/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/topics/t_calm_link_projects.html?lang=en
Here is an example to be more explicit:
There is one RTC project areas: RTC01
There 2 RQM project areas. RQM01 and RQM02
Can RTC01 to “Provides” Defects to RQM01 and RQM02?
Can RQM01 “Uses” Defects from RTC01?
Can RQM02 “Uses” Defects from RTC01?
I think it is possible but I want to be sure there is no restrictions or incompatibilities?
Thank you in advance
Pascal Jean